Coffee and Energy

Coffee is a source of energy. The caffeine in a cup of coffee stimulates the nervous system, facilitating coordination and improving the mood and motivation.
Coffee increases energy, resistance, and speed, thus decreasing tiredness.
When studying the relationship between coffee and sports, several studies have come up with the following findings:
- Caffeine effectively increases the performance of athletes.
- It has been demonstrated it can increase awareness during prolonged periods of exhausting exercise, as well as on periods of sleep deprivation.
- Caffeine is ergogenic (helps produce energy) for sustained resistance training, and it has been demonstrated it is highly effective to obtain good performance results on different tests.
Add strength and energy to you day with Café 1820, the no.1 coffee on Costa Rica, and change the way you enjoy life.
Estudios sobre nutrición. “Café : Vertus insoupçonnées?” Doctissimo.fr octubre 2006
Ganio M. S. et al. (2009), Effect of Caffeine on Sport-Specific Endurance Performance: A Systematic Review. J Strength and Conditioning Research; 23.
Gliottoni R.C. et al. (2009), Effect of Caffeine on Quadricep Pain During Acute Cycling Exercises in Low Versus High Caffeine Consumers. Intern. J. Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 19, 150-16.
Astorino T.A. et al. (2009), J. Efficacy of Acute Caffeine Ingestion for short-term high-intensity exercise performance: A Systematic Review. Strength and Conditioning Research, 24 (1): 257-265.
Gant N. et al. (2010), The Influence of Caffeine and Carbohydrate Coingestion on Simulated Soccer Performance. Intern. J. Sport Nutrition Exercise Metabolism, 20, 191-197
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